We’re delighted to be announcing our very first Afterlight Love Letters edition of Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert (@taliahibbert) in collaboration with Piatkus (@yourswithlovex)! We started Afterlight to create exclusive editions of adult romance books, but we want to shine a light on YA romance too - especially when they’re by some of our all time favourite romance authors. With this in mind, we’ll be introducing more YA romance editions under the Afterlight Love Letters label! Please note that the Afterlight subscription will remain solely as adult romance. Our edition of Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute is an exclusive B-format hardback, with a cover variant, foil on the hardback, digital signature and stencilled edge. Please note that this image is a mock-up, and finished copies may differ slightly.The book is priced at £20 + shipping and VAT if applicable, and will be shipping in March/April. General sale starts at 3pm GMT on Thursday 2nd March. We will be holding a presale for active Afterlight subscribers, as well as anyone who previously purchased our Brown Sisters set. Details of when this is will be emailed out on Wednesday 22nd February (the presale will not take place on this day).NewsAfterlight Love Letters: Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert